Tuesday 28 February 2012

Bookstore Problems

Hi everyone!

This is just to give everyone a heads up that I've heard the CLAYTON bookstore has run out of Unit Guides for our course but they will be getting more in soon. If you haven't purchased a Unit Guide yet, and were planning to do so from Clayton, just wait a few days and try again.

The CAULFIELD bookstore still has plenty of copies in stock of the Unit Guide (37 when I just rang a moment ago) which should mean - fingers crossed - that all Caulfield students will be able to purchase a copy easily within the first week of classes. If you find the Caulfield bookstore runs out over the next few days just wait a few more as I'm sure they will order more in.

In the meantime, if you are unable to buy a copy of the Unit Guide because the bookstores have run out, and you are worried about getting caught up on the readings, all the material provided in the Unit Guide can be accessed either online or at the library. Please just contact me, or comment here, and I can send you the relevant links or library information.

Happy reading everyone!

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